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We facilitate ORL doctors to capture accurate and complete information so they can spend more time on what really matters - their patients.

The benefits


Digital surveys that improve patient-doctor communication

We offer ORL doctors surveys and tools that facilitate triage and follow-up of patients. Capturing data pre-consultation and during follow-up removes administration from consultations, so there’s more time for in-depth patient-doctor communication.


Get more accurate and complete information

A large part of a consultation is spent on capturing information about the patient’s history and symptoms. We enable patients to provide this information prior to the consultation, via surveys that are completed at home or in the doctor’s waiting room. A structured approach and providing information in a relaxed setting leads to more complete and accurate data. 


Have patients share information during follow-up 

Many patients will visit an ORL doctor more than once. We enable them to register information throughout the follow-up period so they can capture information when symptoms occur - instead of weeks later. This increases accuracy and completeness of information. The doctor gets a structured overview that can be consulted at a glance before or at the start of the consultation. 


A multi-disciplinary team

Telmio is a group of experienced medical, academic and digital experts, including world-renowned ORL and researchers. Together, we are committed to leveraging the power of technology to improve patient care paths. 





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